Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Powder Room Day 6: Baseboards, Lighting and a New Sink

Today was my last day off work to work on this project. To start I installed the baseboards in both rooms and cut the quarter round to fit. 
I installed the quarter round in the bathroom, but will wait for the den until the finish coat is on the floors.
Just after lunch I got the call I had been waiting for…the new sink was in! They gave it to me at cost (apparently it shouldn’t break like that…) which was a slight consolation for the wait to get it. Installing it went better this time, meaning no breaking. It did require a slight expansion of the drywall hole, cutting off the front piece of wood on the vanity and some PL adhesive to ensure it’s never moving again. 
Once the sink was in place, I cut a new piece of drywall and patched the wall. I used my tried and true method of securing it with wood bracing in behind. 
Although the drywall mud was still wet, I wanted to get as much done as possible and got to tiling the remainder of the wall. The 4 rows went in easily and I did not even need the tile saw as I had edges pieces that magically fit. 
For the vanity, I managed to get on a couple of coats of paint. I tried this new VOC melamine imitation stuff and it smells like play dough. I’m not sure if this is an improvement. 
 Last thing on my list for the day was installing the light fixture. Easy enough and it is a hell of an improvement. When we bought it we bought bulbs to go with it…thinking ahead for once…they did not fit. Chandelier bulbs are not one size fits all.
And now we know: apparently sinks like this can vary in size. This second one was about 1/8” deeper and slightly wider too. I find this a little weird…It is a mass produced item and they post the dimension online…should they not be a little more consistent? Since the vanity was build specifically to the dimensions of the previous sink, it led to the above mentioned taking a saw to the vanity. At least it did not break. 

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