Saturday, June 15, 2013

Powder Room Day 3: More Tiling

One of the things that bothered me most about the powder room was the crappy drywalling job that was done. At the corners you could see the tape used and there were lines in the mud from sanding or something. I started skim coating them today.
Following the mudding, I went back to tiling. The tile saw got a serious workout; I cut what felt like a million of the wall tiles into small pieces to fill in the gaps along the wall. When the tiles are already only about 2x1”, its pretty nerve racking to try and get then only ½” wide, you have to put your hand alarmingly close to the saw blade. At the top, along the ceiling, I had to cut a row of tiles on an angle to fill in the space. Surprise, surprise, the ceiling is on a rather noticeable angle in this room. 
The floor tile got finished, with the last 2 tiles at the entrance adhesived in place. 
Along the doorway, I used a metal transition strip to create a clean line. It’s a neat item; the strip is laid under the tile, so the adhesive secure it in place, and creates a metal angle along the edge of the tile. I think it looks really polished. 
And now we know: you can buy some higher end and some lower end transition strips and they make a big difference in the finished look of your project. I ended up buying 5 different types to see what would work best and returned the rest.

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