Sunday, June 16, 2013

Powder Room Day 4: Grouting

Although the wall tile is not complete and can’t be until that damn sink is installed, I went ahead and grouted both the wall and the floor. I figure that I might as well get as much work done as I can, even if I have to repeat steps later on. At least then those steps will be on a much smaller scale. Does that make sense? More repetition but less work each time?
Both the wall and floor are the same medium gray colour grout. Grouting is a fun task, although there are lots of steps, what with putting on the grout, waiting, wiping the grout, waiting, and then finally buffing.
Lastly, I put a coat of paint on the ceiling, same white as the walls will be and that’s on the upper cabinets in the kitchen.
And now we know: As a cost saving measure I went against general instructions and used un-sanded grout on the floor aswell as the wall. The joints are thin and it would have been an extra $25 just to use a tiny bit of the bag of grout. There was some slight cracking in the joint near the door, so once it dried I went over it again with grout to fill it in a bit more and it hasn’t cracked again. Fingers crossed!

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