Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A Second Gallery Wall In the Dining Room & Adjustments to the Chair Prototype

The side of the dining room with the Monet print always felt unbalanced to me. The other side has lots of photos all in black frames and the print couldn’t compete. I shifted it into the front room leaving a big black wall

As we have traveled a lot and I like the pictures to be displayed so we can remember the good times, another gallery wall was in order. More black frames were collected, more photos were printed and I finally got around to hanging them. I like how the black balances out all the black on the other side.

Additionally some modifications to my chair prototype were in order, first and foremost some bars on the seat so we could actually sit in it to test it out. Here it is with sample cushions on it. The one for the seat will be the final dimensions (thickness and width) but the one for the back is just temporary, obviously it is too small and thin.

And now we know: the angle of the chair is good but it is too wide and the back needs to be higher. Having wooden bars as the seat and back is not comfortable; there is no give even with the cushion on top. I’m going to look into making a seat using webbing.

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