Sunday, November 27, 2011

A Home Made Downdraft Table

After the suggestion from the sales guy to build a down draft table, Tom wanted me to do so before I sanded again. Using pine 1x6’s I had on hand, I built a 24”x36” frame with a 1x3 lip inside. On top of the lip would sit the sheet of peg board, so it would be removable to clean out the inside.

On one of the long side, I cut out a round hole and inserted a port to attach the dust collector to. I think the purple duct tape adds a little class to the whole project.

On first use, the amount of suction was not as much as expected. I added a band of duct tape to close off some of the holes around the edges which helped a lot. It still needs a bottom added but I need to acquire a larger sheet of plywood to do so.

And now we know: when building a downdraft table there is a balance of size to number of holes to suction. I’m not sure exactly how you determine the ideal ratio and don’t think I’ve achieved it yet.

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