Monday, November 14, 2011

Installing Kitchen Blinds

The blinds are done and the cat was very helpful in the install process. She not only chased the cords and tried to eat them every time they moved, but she actually stole one out of the blind and took it to another part of the house to play with. It was not fun working with cords wet from Kitteh saliva!

After I installed the piece of wood in each window, I held the blind up and marked the height. I removed the wood and stapled the fabric over the top, then screwed the wood back in place.

The hardest part was finding the little piece of hardware that you tie the cord to when they are raised. I now know that it is called a wall cleat and is located in the blind section of the hardware store.

And now we know: although this time was complicated, I think any future roman shades I make will be much easier.

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