Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Front Porch Demolition Part 2 - Concrete Step Removal

After a lot of discussion and trying to be realistic about timelines, we decided to have the concrete step removed by a waste removal company. We figured that the time to do the demoing and hauling of all that concrete was worth the extra money over what it would cost us just to dispose of the waste.

They brought in a digger with a jackhammer attachment, as well as a trailer for removing the waste. Once they started removing sections, they discovered that there were actually 2 concrete steps, the second poured on top of the first. In the end it took 3 guys 5 hours...I think it was well worth the cost!
 Since they had the rental of the machine for the day, they offered us a deal to remove the concrete around the north side of the house, along the driveway, so we had that removed as well. Turns out there are quite a few cracks on that side of the house, so we may have opened a can of worms there.
And now we know: whoever built the step did not parge the block foundation behind it, so that will need to be done this summer

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