Monday, November 19, 2012

The Kitchen: Before and Afters

Initially the plan for renovating the kitchen was to do it over 2 weeks when on vacation. Then we decided to go to Vermont in the middle, cutting 5 days out of the 16 days. My (ambitious) schedule had us completely finished with days to spare before we had to go back to work. Although we did not finish in the allotted time, we did have a fully functional kitchen by the end of our vacation, just without doors, drawers, completed paint job or baseboards. Not really the end of the world as we could still cook.

Looking back I wouldn't have done much differently. It was stressful, but we got through it with minimal fighting and are very happy with the end result. We dealt with the surprises, like the tar on the floor, and learned some new skills, like using the disc sander on the floor. At this point, neither of us can face another kitchen renovation in our lives, but maybe down the road in our next house we will try this again, we've definitely learned a lot about installing kitchens.

Here are the before and afters of the room

The sink corner:
 The stove corner:
And a few extra photos for fun:
And now we know: was it worth it? Given some distance from the reno, I think so, Tom might disagree though. Also I have awesome arm muscles and abs after 3 months of renovations and building the cabinets.

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