Sunday, July 15, 2012

Taking a Jigsaw to the Couch

Well, I’ve never seen my husband so angry with me as he was this weekend. With my friend staying with us and our time booked solid, when I started working on the couch, he was shocked. Here’s what happened; my friend went to the gym and I was itching to work on something so I decided to cut the arched back off the sofa to make it look more modern.
This idea was actually something I had been discussing with a friend for a couple of months, I planned to do it while Tom was gone but ran out of time. So that morning, it seemed like a fun thing to do. I removed the fabric back and the upholstery from the top rail. Underneath was 2 pieces of plywood with a gap in between. I thought the arched part was a separate piece and I would just have to pry it off but no such luck, a jigsaw was definitely needed. At this point Tom was horrified and could was freaking out over the potential dust. I offered to move the couch outside but he just shook his head and said to get it over with. 

 So using the jigsaw, I cut off the arch.
From there it was simple to put the foam back in place and staple the fabric over the top. It’s still not my dream couch, but I think it makes it a little more modern until we can afford to replace it.
And now we know: It being your birthday does not give you a free pass to do whatever you want in the house…next time I will wait till my husband is gone to do anything like this… 

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