Saturday, March 1, 2014

Re-finishing the Upstairs Landing Floors

Tom was away this weekend, so I took advantage and did something he didn’t want me to: re-finishing the hardwood in the upstairs hall. After we took up the carpet 3 or 4 years ago there was glue residue in various spots on the floor. It was pretty ugly.
I sealed all 4 doors in the hallway and put up a drop cloth at the bottom of the stairs, then started sanding. Because it was such a small area, I just used my belt sander and then the palm sander in the corners. It took a few hours and was pretty messy.
After the sanding was complete, I vacuumed the floors, vacuumed the walls, wiped down all the surfaces and then washed everything down again. Then I did my usual for finishing: a light sand with very fine paper, a wipe down with a tack cloth, a coat of clear, wait an hour and repeat twice.
And now we know: I was a little worried for Tom’s reaction to this surprise; he inspected for dust then said it looked good. Better reaction than expected.

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