Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Backroom Window Replacement

We got our 3 back windows replaced today. Although they looked nice, being wood Pella’s from the 90’s, it was ridiculously cold in that room. You could feel the cold air coming through. We now have nice new white vinyl ones
At the same time, we got the one in our bedroom replaced. It was also cold in that room, it looked bad as it was just an infill, it was not symmetrical and the casement parts had broken clips so could just fall out. Good thing we did replace it, Tom had to convince me on this one, but it turned out to be rotten underneath due to the poor installation of the previous one.
And know we know: I can’t believe how bright both rooms seam, the upstairs cause there are no dividers in the glass and the back rooms with the switch from wood frames to white. There is a lot of trim painting in my future...

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