Thursday, April 26, 2012

Updating the Electrical Panel

I’ll preface this by saying this was not a DIY! The old breaker panel still had fuses and had no space available for the air conditioning Tom really wants. 
So we got an electrician in to replace the panel. It took them a full day while I sat in the cold house with 2 laptops. The timing worked out perfectly, they finished 5 minutes after the battery ran out on the 2nd laptop!
In order to label the breakers in the new panel, I ran around the house with the electrician figuring out what was on which circuit. There are some weird splits, 1 circuit has all of the upstairs and the kitchen light while another has only 2 random outlets. He left off the ones we couldn’t identify and told us to turn them on when we found something not working. Turns out one of those were the hot water tank and we didn’t find out until the next morning when I tried to take a shower. Fun times.

The city also moved the meter outside and the electrician reconnected the light in my workshop.
And now we know: which circuit the back room is on so we don’t have to turn off the power to the entire house when doing work. Also the wiring was not as crazy as we thought, the electrician was not completely shocked and appalled 

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