Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Kitchen: Painting Every Surface Possible

Tom is out of town for the weekend so I am forging ahead in the kitchen. Before he returns on Wednesday, I have to complete most of the work and have the kitchen back in working order. Friday before he left I did the final prep, which caused dust which caused him stress and grumpiness.

Here is the breakdown of events:

Friday night: after work I came home and started to sand. This was the messiest it would get; all the upper cabinets, the wall patching and the ceiling patching needed sanding. The kitchen was a cloud of white dust and although it was contained with drop cloths, my husband was still not pleased. After a thorough cleanup, Lauren came over to help, so we primed the uppers, patched the lowers and put a final layer of mud on the ceiling. I was getting a little stressed at this point that I wouldn’t be able to finish all the painting in the next 2 days.

Saturday: After seeing Tom off I gave a light sand to the ceiling patching and sanded the base cabinets. My mum came over to help me and we worked all day painting. After priming the upper doors, drywall patching and lower cabinets, we put 1st coats on the ceiling, uppers, lowers, walls and upper doors. Lauren came over for a bit to help, but the greatest help was kittteh, who jumped onto a primed cabinet door and then ran off to hide leaving a trail of paw prints. She also spent a lot of time supervising from within the door less lower cabinets. By the end of the day we had reached our goal and were optimistic about finishing on time.

Sunday: Again my mum came to help and we got second coats on the uppers, lowers, walls and upper doors. Before she arrived I sanded and patched the lower doors and gave them a coat of primer. Kitteh seems to have an affinity for primer as I came back into the room to find another trail of little white paw prints. Her paws are now completed white!

Lauren was over again for a while to help out and put a couple of coats of dark grey on the doors. Upon my mum’s urging, I got out the melamine and we gave the trim a coat of paint. I hate painting trim and by this point the paint fumes and exhaustion were getting to us. This damn melamine paint got everywhere; we were dripping it on the floor, putting our hands in it and generally making a mess. We got most of it done and then abandoned for a shower before dinner.


The kitchen, although not completely done, is finished enough to be useable. Still to do: a couple of coats on the front of the lower doors, install hardware throughout and hang all the doors. Not too bad, hopefully my husband will agree!

As long as it is clean upon his return, I think he will be grudgingly happy.

And know we know: you may think your cabinets are white, but they are really a disgusting yellowish white and it is really worth the effort painting over them. Cats love primer.

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