Sunday, December 15, 2013

Kitchen Drawer Organizer

Back in the summer I picked up some ¾”x3” beech shorts at the wood store with the intention of building a drawer organizer for the kitchen cutlery drawer, which always looks messy.
I ripped the beech down into 1/8”x3” strips and laid them out into the pattern I wanted. With some glue and very carefully placed nails, I built the new organizer.
I gave it a couple of coats of clear poly and put it into the drawer. Oh, and also installed this dark grey rubber matting stuff. 
It looks so sharp with the light wood and the dark grey. Also so organized! Now I want to do the other utensil drawer.
And now we know: It’s quite difficult to get a nail gun to shoot into 1/8” material, there is a lot of patience require to line it up perfectly every time cause there is no room for error.

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