Sunday, August 18, 2013

Painting the Front Door

Our front door currently looks like this
Red, with a badly done paint job and yellow trim around the window
This weekend I finally got around to painting it, this being a project small enough to do with a broken foot. To start I gave it a light sand, a wipe down and taped off around the hardware. Then I used an oil based primer over the red as I wasn’t sure what type of paint was previously used.
The next day I have it four (yes four!) coats of blue paint, giving it an hour between coats. I was a little worried to close the door in the evening, but there was no damage when I opened it the next morning.
I really like the change in colour, it looks so different from the outside of the house. The trim around the window is only primed right now, it needs a coat of paint when I am steadier on a ladder again.
While all the painting gear was out, I touched up the front room paint from when the window was replaced.
And now we know: blue takes a crazy amount of coats of paint and everyone notices when you change the colour of your front door.

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