Saturday, August 31, 2013

Re-caulking the Kitchen

I’m still in the cast so am doing little projects off my to-do list that don’t require too much standing. Tom requested I prioritize the kitchen caulking, over the past year it has cracked really badly and looks like crap. I used an exacto blade to remove the old stuff and gave it a wipe down with a wet cloth.
Then I did a new bead of caulking, it was not my cleanest work, but it looks good in the end.
And now we know: caulking still sucks and still makes such a big difference 

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Finishing Ella’s House

Wow do some of my projects really drag on! I started a house for the cat in May and finally finished it up this weekend. I attached the final hexagons and squares to complete the shape. For the entry, I cut a large hole in one of the hexagons. From there I gave it a sanding.
To finish it off I gave it 3 coats of clear satin Verathane. 
Compared to the old cardboard ‘bunker’ she’s had for 3 years now, this is quite the upgrade. It also looks way better in our front room!
And now we know: so far the cat is still getting used to it, she has gone in a few times but the real test will be if she hides there next time Tom vacuums 

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Painting the Front Door

Our front door currently looks like this
Red, with a badly done paint job and yellow trim around the window
This weekend I finally got around to painting it, this being a project small enough to do with a broken foot. To start I gave it a light sand, a wipe down and taped off around the hardware. Then I used an oil based primer over the red as I wasn’t sure what type of paint was previously used.
The next day I have it four (yes four!) coats of blue paint, giving it an hour between coats. I was a little worried to close the door in the evening, but there was no damage when I opened it the next morning.
I really like the change in colour, it looks so different from the outside of the house. The trim around the window is only primed right now, it needs a coat of paint when I am steadier on a ladder again.
While all the painting gear was out, I touched up the front room paint from when the window was replaced.
And now we know: blue takes a crazy amount of coats of paint and everyone notices when you change the colour of your front door.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Hanging Pictures, Prints and Doors

With my limited mobility I decided it was a good time to tackle hanging pictures in the house. When in Europe this spring, we purchased a couple of large prints, so I started by framing those. The large print of Edinburgh I hung in the dining room.
Tom’s map print got hung in the powder room. It’s visible from the front hall and the den so I wanted something interesting in that spot
Also in the powder room, I got the doors installed on the vanity. This was another task that was hard to try and bend while on a stool with a cast.
Finally I started re-arranging the frames on both sides of the dining room. I had bought some extra frames to put up some of our new vacation pictures from Portugal and Edinburgh.
And now we know: check the hinges before you buy them…the packet had 2 parts that didn't go together!?