Sunday, April 21, 2013

Test Fit of the Kitchen Unit and Some Sanding

Progress is slow around here, its weird, I felt lazy this weekend and I am almost always ready to work on projects.

Now that weather the weather is nicer, I took the kitchen unit over to my parent’s house to do a test fit. And when I say I took it over, I mean I made my brother pick me up, jam all the pieces in the car and then help me carry them! I still have to sand and put a finish coat on it, but at least now I know it fits, and I know how much needs trimming off the top to fit it flush to the wall.
Once I got it back home again, I did an hour of sanding outside. I’ve not missed sanding, it is so messy and my husband looks at me like I have the plague.

And now we know: well the unit fits…which is good. And my Dad is going to let me take off the baseboard…which is very good!

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