Sunday, April 28, 2013

Powder Room Prep

I did not get nearly as much done this weekend as I wanted to! My table saw is revving high, so I spent some time fixing that. I wanted to start on building a vanity but didn’t have as much wood as I thought. Then I went to use my router and the colette was broken. On top of that was the cat puke in my shop…so overall not too productive.

I did spend another hour sanding my mum’s kitchen unit on the deck.

Mostly I’ve been planning out the renovations to our tiny powder room. Here are the sketches I did of the space, it is only 3’x5’. 
I’ve decided to do a floating vanity and a wall of accent tile. I’ve ordered the tile, bought the faucet and light, and last month I bought a sink/counter unit in white porcelain. 
The plan is to do this in June. We are having our 2 front windows replaced, so while Tom has his computer moved out of the den, I will redo the powder room and replace the den carpet with cork tiles.  I already have all the materials ready, now I just have to build the vanity.
And now we know: tile companies can actually compete cost wise with the big box stores…very surprised with the great pricing on this tile.

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