Sunday, October 23, 2011

Cutting a Door Jamb

One of the things on my to-do-in-the-future-sometime list was to fill in the gap in the floor under the new door we installed in the upstairs hall. It has been sitting in this state for a year and a half now and looks pretty bad.

The gap is about 4 inches and both sides have the same wood flooring, so my plan was to patch it with left over maple flooring from the backroom install. When I test fit a piece I realized that not only were the pieces different heights, but the wood below was uneven and the flooring edges were not straight. So I ruled out the floorboards. Then I thought a pre-made wood jamb would work, unfortunately they only come 3 ¼” wide so that was too small.

A custom jamb it is! I used leftover maple from the dining table project, patched 2 pieces together, cut them down, angled the edges and created a lip along the underside edges. The final project is a little wonky, but once it is sanded and installed, you will never know.

And now we know: patching floors in an old house is never easy

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