Saturday, September 24, 2011

New Throw Pillows for the Back Room

Over a year ago I sewed some covers for the 2 throw pillows that live on our sofa in the back room. At the time I picked up some pretty fabric that toned in with the cream and blues and was happy with them.

But suddenly they started looking a little bland, then I found a post online showing how to use striped fabric to make herringbone and then I found a nice red and white strip that was just the right scale. So I decided new covers were in order. Herringbone on one side and striped with a button on the other.

I think the room needed the extra colour and contrast on the sofa.

And now we know: always measure both pillows, even if they look the same size. Turned out one was an inch bigger and I will now be buying another form for the new cover.

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