Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day 4 of Our Summer Week of Reno’s

Both Tom and I were tiered by this point in our reno (Thursday of the week) and doing manual labour in the heat with no air conditioning was really tough. We
made an executive decision to not continue with the attic insulation project, leaving in for sometime in September or October when the temperature cooled. This meant the crawl space would be empty of insulation for a couple of months, but we could see no harm in that. So we moved on to other jobs and with the half way point of our week off behind us, I finally got the first coat of mud up on the drywall.

We also got around to re-caulking around the bathtub. Tom removed the old stuff and we both stood in the tub while I applied the new stuff. Shower’s at my parents house were in order that night.

While Tom got the new pressure washer going and started on the siding, I returned to my plastic enclosed bubble and sanded the rest of the stairs. Unfortunately the lack of ventilation turned it into a sauna, making me sweaty and giving the sanding dust something to stick to. My husband ‘lovingly’ ordered me to hose off as soon as I emerged so as not to spread dust throughout the house.

And now we know: the pressure washer makes a big difference to the colour of the siding from ‘dirty white’ to ‘slightly dirty but much brighter white’

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