Monday, May 23, 2011

Planting the Garden

This long weekend got a little derailed by a bad reaction to some medicine and a stay in the hospital. I did not achieve my goal of finishing my dressers and in truth I was just happy to be able to get off the couch by Tuesday.

Instead, with a lot of help from my lovely husband and mother, we got the vegetable garden planted and fixed up the front flower bed a little.

Here is the veggie garden before we started; the rhubarb was out of control and the rest was empty except for some flowers at the far end.

Here is the veggie garden now, after planting herbs, cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, hot peppers and red peppers. Last year animals ate all my tomatoes but the cucumbers grew like crazy and there were too many to eat. I’m hoping for a little more balance this year.

The front of the house was a mess where the foundation was fixed last year. There was a mound of clay instead of a flower bed and large patches without grass.

We created a flower bed with new top soil and added some new plants. The hydrangea is a new purchase but the other large plant was moved over from the right side of the steps. I am trying to square off the front on the beds a little more in the hopes of one day putting in a little rock wall along the fronts.

After the bed was done, we sprinkled grass seed over the bare patches. Even though we’ve have rain every day since, the seed does not seem to be growing.

And now we know: tomatoes should be planted 2 feet apart

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