Sunday, May 15, 2011

Fallen Trees

A couple of weeks ago this happened in our back yard:

Although this weekend was crap weather with lots of rain, we went ahead with our plans to clean the mess up. A friend came over to help and to take the wood home for summer campfires.

He brought a chain saw and we also borrowed one from family. Turns out chain saws are not the magical tool they are portrayed in the movies. We were not slicing through wood like it was butter, each cut took minutes and involved adjusting angles, applying pressure and just a lot of effort. And that was when they were actually working; if one didn't need more gas the other needed sharpening or had seized for no reason. After 4 hours in the rain, we realized that the chain saws were not going to make it through the largest section of the trunk, about 18” diameter. These pieces were levered into the woods behind our property and there they will remain…probably forever. Unfortunately the fence was a victim of the tree.

On Sunday I spent yet more time sanding the 2 dressers I built. This project is really dragging on. I realize it is because I have been so sick, but I feel like they will never be done. The sanding is finally complete and all they need is a few coats of paint. Hopefully they will be done by the end of the long weekend…

And now we know: the movies make chain saws look much more efficient than they are, or maybe we need chainsaws that are less that 20 years old?

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