Friday, May 21, 2010

Bathroom Day 3: Cement Board, Subfloor and a Back Hoe

Friday morning marked a fun surprise; the foundation company arrived to fix our basement problems. They spent the day digging a trench around the south and east sides of the house and building a mountain of dirt on the lawn. By the end of the day the trench was finished and new membrane and weeping tile was installed. They planned to return Tuesday to finish the job.

We continued to work on the bathroom. After a nights sleep, I quickly built the shelf at the end of the tub without incident. Installation of cement board was the task of the day; it was messy but painless. We also got the new section of subfloor in.

The plumber returned and completed his work. He remarked that this was one of his hardest jobs; tight spaces, inconvenient locations of joists and old pipes. We are just happy that we have shinny new pipes hopefully reducing the chance of future water problems.

By the end of the day the bathroom was prepped and all ready for the installation of tile. It was beginning to look like a bathroom again.

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