Sunday, April 27, 2014

Upholstering Dining Chairs Part 6 – Progress

Well, I’m back working on the chairs and progress is slow. I’m not sure how fast I expect it to go when I am upholstering 8 chairs and only working 1 day a week. My motivation is slightly lacking at this point...I miss working with wood instead of fabric!

Work started with covering 6 more ‘wings’ (the curved side pieces) in 2 layers of batting and a layer of fabric.
Once those were assembled I glued and nailed them to 3 of the chairs. Now I have 4 chairs complete, only needing the back of the chair to be covered in fabric.
Of the remaining 4 chairs, 2 are not upholstered at all but the other 2 I did make some progress on the backs. The foam and batting are on and the fabric stapled in place, they just need the ‘wings’ covered and added.
And now we know: lots of batting is required for 8 chairs, so far I have gone through 1.5 bags and I will need at least 1 more to finish. 

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