Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Chair Frames Complete

With an extra long weekend giving me lots of time to work on my chairs, I got the frames completed for all 8 chairs. After a trip to the store for more wood, I finished cutting out all the back rails. They got clamped together and roughly sanded to ensure they were uniform in size.
The lower back rounded pieces got cut out and sanded.
Finally it was time to start assembly. The first step was attaching 2 back rails together with a curved piece at the top of the frame.
Then I built a jig to attach the side seat pieces to the front piece/front legs assembly. Since they are on a slight angle, this allows consistent and faster assembly.
All these seats and legs had to be stacked, cause I was running out of floor space at this point.
Next was attaching the front assemblies and back assemblies together and adding the curved piece at the back of the seat. This was the most pain in the butt part where I wished I had another set of hands, but I got through it and all the frames are complete
I love the way they look all lined up in my shop like this.
And now we know: always buy double the amount of screws you think you need, I had to make a second trip to the store for pocket hole screws

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