Sunday, July 28, 2013

Shelves in the Kitchen Unit

Lately I’ve not being much work around the house due to this 
 I did get a final coat on my parent’s kitchen unit and got the shelves finished. All the final install of trim is now on hold until my foot heals.
And now we know: bending over to try and coat the inside of a unit while on a stool with a cast on is hard work. I miss mobility.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Mum's Kitchen Unit

This weekend I finally got around to installing that kitchen unit in my parent’s kitchen. To start I removed the baseboards in the corner…which of course took longer than expected. Turns out they were installed before the subfloor, so I had to cut them out.
Next I put down the 2x4 base and levelled it with plastic shims. The shims I screwed to the wood to keep in place and then the whole piece was screwed to the wall into studs.
After trimming down the edge of the top to get a flush fit to the wall, I glued/dowels/pocket hole screwed it to the cabinets. I used dowels for the middle gables, the screws along the back where they aren't visible and glue everywhere. I actually did this part twice as I forgot to put in the corner shelf in prior to the top going on. It is too large to fit through the opening with the top on. Fun times taking it apart and lining it all up a second time.

Once the top was secure, the unit was lifted onto the base, screwed to the wall into the studs and screwed into the base as well. This unit is not going anywhere.
The bench frame went in next, I screwed it to the wall and the unit and it is also supported by 2 legs.
Sunday I came back and installed some cross bracing and the seat portion of the bench. 
Finally I gave it a light sand by hand with a fine grit paper; the whole thing was already sanded a few months ago. I vacuumed the piece and wiped it down with a tack cloth before putting on 3 coats of Verathane. 
Still I am not done. I think it needs another coat of Verathane, it really soaks into the pine. The shelves still need clear coating on one side, the baseboards need to be re-installed under the bench and boards need to be added along the kick plate to hide the 2x4’s. It sounds like a lot, but at least the unit is out of my basement and useable in the meantime.

And now we know: when designing a corner cabinet think about how to get the shelf in or at the least clear coat it before it is in place. It was extremely hard to coat this with the combination of such a small opening and being very deep.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Powder Room - Final Touches

I’ve been wrapping up the powder room project starting with touching up the grout. The bottom right corner of the wall tile, where the drywall patching was done, needed a bit more grout to fill in the seem.
Once that bit of grouting was done, I put 3 coats of sealer on the wall tile and the floor grout.

Along the edges of the sink, I caulked the gap, which looks much more polished and water proof.
Although the powder room is ‘done’ in the construction sense and we are using it now, there are still a few outstanding items. The trim around the door and the door need painting. The vanity doors need to be hung. I need to find a mirror; the old one looked too busy with the tile. Also the room needs some art and maybe a shelf or something above the toilet. There is no rush on that stuff so it will probably be another couple of months before they are in place.

And now we know: a fun new trick to caulking; wet your finger and run it along the caulking to make it look extra smooth.