Friday, February 24, 2012

Making Space for a New Stove

Well our stupid stove seems to have finally bit the big one. Not only does the oven heat vary wildly from what you set it at and the 1 large burner not seem to work around the edge, but the oven just turns off in the middle of cooking for no apparent reason. It’s hard to cook something without checking every 5 minutes that the oven is still on.

As I was getting increasingly frustrated, we decided to bite the bullet and get a new one. It is a full size stove this time with a ceramic top and convection oven.

To get it into the kitchen, some modifications were required as the existing space was only 30” wide. We decided to remove the cabinet to the right to make room. After removing the screws holding the countertop in place and taking off the doors, the cabinet practically fell out by itself. The only tools needed were a hammer and it came apart into pieces. Underneath was a nice surprise, there is a wood floor and at least that section is in good shape.

The stove went into the new hole without problems but unfortunately it is not as great as we thought it would be. The oven takes a long time to warm up and the fan is quite loud. I tried levelling the unit but it made no difference…I think we are going to have to get a repair person in to take a look.

And now we know: it looks like there may be hardwood flooring in the kitchen. Overtop there is plywood, sheet vinyl, cement/adhesive stuff and then vinyl tile, but all that seems to float unsecured to the wood. We are not getting our hopes up but are going to wait and see what condition it is in when we renovate the kitchen in the fall.

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