Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sewing the Chair Covers

As I caught a cold/flu/sore throat bug, the wood shop was not the place for me this week and I didn’t really have the energy anyways. I’ve been working on the covers for the chair cushions; there will be 4 in total @ 24” square by 4” deep. The fabric I got is a textured neutral that feels really soft and the piping will be a charcoal grey. A few weeks ago the cat helped me cut out the fabric, very helpful of her I might add.

I started by sewing all the piping, 8 strips of 8ft each, 2 for each cushion. Then came sewing the piping to the 24” square pieces and sewing a 4” band between each set of square. Once complete I headed to my mum’s and serged the inside of each cushion cover. The edges of the fabric were shedding so much that the cat was eating the strips and even pinking shears wouldn’t do the trick.

All 4 covers are now complete and ready to be put on the foam cushions and had sewn in place. Unfortunately I have only bought 2 of the foam inserts and ran out of batting to wrap them in so the actual assembly will have to wait till after the Christmas season.

And now we know: the cat really like to eat the strings that fray off the edge of the fabric…wonder how bad that is for her?

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