Sunday, March 6, 2011

A 2nd Roof Leak

Here’s the breakdown of our weekend:

Saturday night: oh look at that the drywall behind out TV is all wet and the floor has a pool of water on it. The roof must be leaking on the other side of the house now. In a panic I call my parents and Tom starts calling around to borrow an axe. My parents volunteer to come over and help (at 9pm on a Saturday!), Tom leaves to go purchase an axe. After a couple of stores with no luck (walmart: we do not sell axes as they could be used as a weapon…right then), Tom resorts to borrowing one from his grandparents. In the mean time, my father has spent ½ an hour on the roof clearing the snow and the axe is no longer needed. We decide to call it a night.

Sunday morning: My parents and brother head over to help with clearing the roof off. This becomes a long undertaking due to the massive ice damns that have formed on our gutters. About an hour in I get sick and spend the rest of the day on the couch. After many hours of chopping and shovelling, they caulk the area above the leak and call it a day.

The saga will continue in the spring when it is warm enough to properly assess the damage to the roof. Winter has been tough on our back room. I choose to think we have been blessed as the damage is in the form of a cross ;) Tom just worries and anticipates the mess replacing the drywall will be.

And now we know: we seem to have an insulation problem, as in not enough, that is contributing to the downfall of our roof. I see roof repairs in our future.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

New Sump Pump Installed

Pretty spiffy! The old one’s float was too high and didn’t turn on soon enough….plus it was really old.

And look at those lovely PVC pipes!

And now we know: this was a lot cheaper than we predicted, closer to $200 when we estimated $500. Excellent.