Saturday, April 3, 2010

Covering a Sofa

Since we are on a tight budget and I enjoy re-finishing projects, when someone offers me furniture I usually take them up on the offer. So when a friend was getting rid of their couch, I was willing to take it off their hands.

Another friend and I drove to Kemptville with my parents Subaru one Sunday to pick it up. It turned out to be slightly too large so my friend disassembled the top piece of the back and we managed to fit it into the car.

Upon returning home, my husband was not happy with me. He was horrified with the state the couch was in and stated that if I wanted to keep it I had to have it covered by next Saturday. (In telling this story to women married longer than me, they always ask; “and you listened?!?”)

So over the course of 6 days I re-upholstered the couch to a state of 95% completion. At the end of the week there was still some hand stitching to do, but he let me keep the couch.

It is good quality; oak frame and down cushions. Very comfortable as well.

And now we know: the husband does not have a lot of vision and does not always appreciate my thrifty ways of furnishing our home. He is usually happy in the end though.

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