Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Kitchen Reno: The Start of Drawer and Door Fronts

Although I was installing baseboards for a friend this weekend, I was able to get in a few hours of work on the cabinets. We purchased a bunch more oak boards of various widths to be cut down into face frames and door frames. It took me about an hour to cut them down lengthwise into 1½” and 2 5/8” strips. 
And know we know: always work on a table with a mitre saw, bending up and down to cut baseboard with the saw on the floor was brutal.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Kitchen Reno: A Couple More Cabinets and Face Frames

This weekend I put together 2 more of the base cabinets, the one to the left of the stove and the corner one which will house the lazy susan. Even though they will share a side in the middle, unfortunately I can’t connect them as they would be too heavy and large to get upstairs.
With the oak, I continued construction of the face frames, completing the double for the above mentioned cabinets and the one for the island. 
 Also cut out of the 1.5” oak were the pieces to complete the face frames on the upper cabinets. They already have pieces along the 2 sides and the top, but not along the bottom.
With my birthday money, I bought a new router that has 2 bases, fixed or plunge. The fixed one got mounted to my router table and I finally got to play with it. It is really easy to adjust the height up and down, the only not so great part is that the on/off switch is under the table and you have to bend to reach it. With some scrap pine and ¼” plywood, I tested out my plan for the door construction, routering a ¼” channel to slot the plywood into. I also tested the placement of the hinge to see if I could get the ½” overlay I want. It seems that it will work fine.
And now we know: one I got the router all set up it is a really cool tool and I think I’ll be able to do some interesting things using it.