Sunday, April 17, 2011

More Work on the Dressers

I dragged my husband and brother to Home Depot and found 2’x2’ veneer plywood sheets for $7, just enough for what I need to complete the last drawer. Okay so they are double the cost of the same portion of a full sheet…but it was a heck of a lot easier.

All the drawers are assembled and all the screw holes have a first coat of filler. I also got the cute little angles pieces installed to form the front of the legs.

And now we know: sometimes time + energy savings trump cost.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Work on the Dressers

After a month of being sick, I was finally feeling well enough to get back into my workshop. The drawer assembly was first on the list and I managed to complete 3 of the 4. Since my stock of ½” plywood was running low, I used scrap ¾” sheets for the back panel of each drawer. Even conserving the ½” plywood, I still ran out with only 2 drawer sides to go. So that means I am short only a 14”x22” and will likely have to buy/cut/transport another 4’x8’ sheet much to my husband chagrin.

And now we know: always buy more lumber than you need and maybe I should tighten up my estimates before we buy…